Saturday, February 8, 2020

Life Holds Love Hard

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Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 94
Come join us!

A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. ~Latin Proverb

Life holds love hard and eager to not  let it go
And love cups life gently with open hands
They kiss every night by the light of the moon
For life is nothing without love
Just an empty pool
That no one can swim
Cold like the arctic
Where bare feet cannot tread
Yet when love is ours to hold
We see it in everything that surrounds us
And we become both fulfilled within
and part of the blended beauty
that encompasses every step we take
I have held love and felt it
A hypnotic and powerful tugging
A longing that drives us to the farthest of places
And takes us back home safely again
And sometimes tattered and torn
I have endured many sleepless nights
To keep it safe and alive
Dabbed its brow with a soft wet cloth
To bring the fever down
Picking it up to keep it from danger
And at times I have had to let it go
Giving it the freedom, it surely deserved
And even then my love grew stronger
For life is nothing without love.


  1. Oh Carrie, how I love this, the journey we all go on, the beauty, pain and lessons it teaches us. This is just gorgeous. I, too, have felt my love strengthen after having let it go.........that particular love has lasted my whole life long, though to him I was likely only one among many.

  2. Love drives is to where'd never go unless. Love surely beats lonesomeness, a companion we never would have believed.

  3. The last line sums of this journey in a masterful way. Love is the ultimate journey of discovery. Thank you for this today.

  4. Absolutely lovely, life without love is cold like the arctic but I would go to the ends of the earth for it.

  5. This is beautiful, transcendent and visceral in turns.

  6. Living and loving are so tightly woven together... that's why we tie love to the heart.

  7. ". . . A hypnotic and powerful tugging
    A longing that drives us to the farthest of places
    And takes us back home safely again . . . "

    It is indeed an instinct toward mothering, one that does not depend on gender, age, nor presence of actual children. You draw it so exactly that I recognize it and feel it surge up in me while reading your poem. It may be in my poem as well, though from a slightly different angle.

  8. 'I have held love and felt it, a hypnotic and powerful tugging, a longing that drives us to the farthest of places' ~~~~~ big lump in my throat. Love this Ms. Carrie.

  9. Life is nothing without very true. A beautiful poem Carrie, one of your best. I hope you always have love in your life!

  10. Amen, sister. Beautifully and tenderly expressed.

  11. "A hypnotic and powerful tugging
    A longing that drives us to the farthest of places
    And takes us back home safely again
    And sometimes tattered and torn"

    Sometimes tattered and torn, but we build new strength.
    Beautiful, Carrie!


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson