Friday, April 17, 2020

A Ship Half Empty

Linking with Flash Fiction 55 over at Verse Escape 
where we write a poem or what inspires us in exactly 55 words.
Thank you Joy for a wonderful prompt!
Come join us everyone!

I dream of far places
where gulls glide Atlantic Seas like ships
there I am alone among multitudes
yet the only voices I can hear
are ghosts of yesterday
old and ragged I whisper
 the tireless question
 why no matter where I venture
I remain a child hoping for my mother to hear my cry.


  1. This is beautiful, and hits the heart. Somewhere inside, I think many of us are waiting for that.

  2. There is no sorrow like that of missing our mothers. This expresses it so well.

  3. I love this, Carrie. So human, forlorn, but carrying strength and insight. It is instantly relatable, yet not shallow or forced. I am so glad you joined us for the 55, and have a kickass weekend if you can

  4. gripping and speaks from the heart - both of loss and longing and yearning .... and I like that it speaks with a certain ambiguity - as to why the child hopes to be heard - whether as sign of adult loss of a parent or perhaps of the small child who speaks from the shadows; and sometimes, it is of one and the same -
    but then, perhaps I'm reading too much between the lines and spaces -
    it's still a very powerful piece, as Joy noted, carried with strength.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson