Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Magnificent Magician

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The Sunday Muse for muse # 26 and with Imaginary Gardens for The Tuesday Platform brought to us by Sanaa
come join us!

We do not err because truth is difficult to see. It is visible at a glance. We err because this is more comfortable. ~Alexander Solzhenitsyn

It is a show I have performed on a big bright stage
 but it has never been magnificent, it has only been a comedy of pain
 Here comes the lady that performs magic tricks
  She makes things appear different with the click of a stick
 No rabbits come out of her big black hat
Only denial and excuses with a big black cat
If you do not look close you will never see
The trouble disappearing act from scene to scene
What once looked bad is now all covered up
With magic gloves under a magic rug
Turns out it only makes for a bigger mess
After the show is over and the rug gets wet
And every performance turns out the same
Turns something medium into a bigger pain
I know cause I did the show many many times
And it always ended the same come rain or shine
My problems magically grew larger right on the stage
And every show I still do that trick just the same
I finally had to take off my magic hat and lay down my stick
For only God can perform a true magnificent magic trick.

Classic enablers can be like a crazed magician or a frenzied maid, trying to fix the world around them and make the problems of those they love disappear.  It is a job that can make for a weary heart and was never what we were meant to do.  I know this because I am one, and I spent many years trying to smooth the rough waters of alcoholism and addiction right at my own front door.  One thing I have learned in the process is this:  the force of dysfunction of a classic enabler can be just as horrific of an addiction as drugs or alcohol abuse can be.  No wisdom of others on the outside looking in could stop me.  It is a struggle that I still wrestle with, but I have learned to see it for what it is, and not let denial cover my eyes with a blind fold like a magician’s ruse.


  1. Carrie, your words made me cry ~ not a bad thing I promise. (thank you for the lovely compliment)

  2. It must be torture to see a loved one suffer while understanding that some efforts to help will only harm them. I hope that true healing will come, for all concerned.

  3. A very truthful poem - and yes, the "magic" is in the making - or the attempts, and enablers, and "enabling" behaviour, for however "well intentioned" it may be, especially initially, is just as much as "toxic" behaviour as any other addiction. And as anyone would say, all roads to hell are paved with good intentions. And it is a hard path to see, to recognize, and to allow oneself the understanding of why - much less, stop - and begin to change oneself. Some of life's lessons are the toughest ones to work through and with - and like most "addicts" would say - you never really get over it completely .... but you still get up and face the day and it regardless. And that perhaps is where the magic of healing really lies.

  4. There is such power and force in your words and the corresponding voice which only comes with a realization set in personal experiences and struggles. Your note adds into the depth of the verse.
    These words ring so true: "What once looked bad is now all covered up/With magic gloves under a magic rug/Turns out it only makes for a bigger mess".

  5. Powerful and sad poem, Carrie. I get crazy over situations I cannot make better for someone.

  6. it is all about love isn't it? You can see it as an illness therefore they must be cared for. You are fortunate to be able to write about it, to share your concern yet others cannot. Your poem is magnificent Carrie.

  7. Very nicely done...and I love that quote too!

  8. Heavy yet freeing at the same time. When we are willing to see truth, and face it, we are surely better off than a magician any day.

  9. Great subject and beautifully expressed poem.. Yes...concern out of love. However we all learn eventually that the only miracle cures that can occur must come from the addicted themselves. They have to want to change and all you can do is be there when or if they stumble while they get back on the right path.There are so many views on how to handle these situations.I am sorry you are in this situation but the Lord works in mysterious ways and every situation that is thrown at us is there to strengthen us.

  10. The quote and the lovely heart-stirring poem that accompanies gave me shivers (in a good way) such raw emotion in your words, Carrie!❤️

  11. Loved this, Carrie. Wonderfull, creative work. ❤️

  12. To be that enabler and trying to make magic can only work for a while... really good work on the metaphor with the tricks of the hat... but after while the magic doesn't really work do it?

  13. I thought I had commented on this before. This is so honest and raw. Those of us who have been enablers relate to this so much.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson