Monday, May 14, 2012

Many Beautiful Cooks In The Kitchen

The Meal, 1891, by Paul Gaugquin

"Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother." ~Oprah Winfrey

Nurturing is a delicate yet hardy craft,
 like a strong table with lovely provisions
 for every hunger and every need.

It is a glorious plantation,
a labor of devotion
that turns soil and plants seed.

The sweat of cultivation
makes for fertile land that one day
a plentiful table it will impart.

For one love has a bounty
that with tears and sweat
feeds generations of hungry hearts.

Having lost my Mom at an early age, I understand all too well how important the nurturing relationship of a mother truly is.  She is the foundation where we learn how to love and be loved.  We do not just learn to sew, clean, and cook a wonderful meal to be layed out on a lavish table, we gain so much more from her legacy.  Yet, when a mother is lost all too early, the true nurturing spirit of the other women in that child's life can fill in some of the gaps.  Over the years, there have been many women that have come into my life, that so beautifully did just that.  They taught me, nurtured me, and loved me as only a mother would do.  God always has a way of giving us what we need to survive and thrive in this world, and I am eternally grateful.  Many beautiful cooks have taught me in the kitchen of life, and that is a blessing that shall always feed my soul.


  1. Oprah's quote is so true! It's also a great song playing along with the reading of your poem! Your words ring like a magical song in my heart...I too have lost my Mother, but thankfully I did have quite a few more years to share life's ups and downs, but you are also so right, about the other cooks in our kitchens of life...for there are many others that I too am giving thanks for in my life! I hope your day was wonderful too!

  2. Lovely poem, Carrie; and I enjoyed your commentary as well!

  3. I'm thankful for those women who have filled those gaps for you.

  4. Nurturing is SUCH a fundamental ingredient to life, it never ceases to amaze me how little attention is ever paid to this concept. How wonderful of you to give nurturing a day in the sun. Thank you for sharing this, Carrie. =D

  5. Nothing can replace the nurturing of a mother. I, too, like your comentary: all that our cooks have taught us in the kitchen of life.

  6. i am sorry for the loss of your mom...i agree that having a nurturing relationship in your life will def make a huge difference...and the harvest of the seeds planted at a young age will def pay off...

  7. Well, well, said!

    For me, it brings to mind (and heart) John 4:37-38: Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.

    Peace Carrie.

  8. The guiding hand of a mother resolves untold happenings even for boys, what more for girls. The other women in your life were blessings certainly. You were lucky having them in your formative years. Great write, Carrie!


  9. I'm sorry you lost your mom early in life (my husband did, too)... but you're so fortunate to have had other role models to influence you.

  10. beautifully written!

    I love the way God makes Ways for us...


    p.s: my blog site is changed to

  11. Blessed be the child surrounded with the love of many strong women.

  12. I had parents who were absent for other reasons ( but your appreciation of those who help remedy the deficits really resonates.

  13. Beautiful post, Carrie. Long time not see!
    Sorry about that- it's always a pleasure to me to visit this lovely place of yours.

    I wish I could cook well and my mum too- well she is still here and does her best- lucky me!


  14. A great advertisement for the nurturing bond. Fine sentiments in an enjoyable poem.

  15. And as the Beatles sand 'All you need is Love' ♥

  16. Wow, what a beautiful piece. :) Its quite heartwarming!

  17. This lovely piece is a wonderful tribute and oozes love for those who came into your life and nurtured you after the loss of your mother. I love it that you acknowledge that God knows exactly what and who is right for us.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson