Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hope Remains

"When you say a situation or person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God."  ~Charles L Allen

There has always been
blind eyes and silent voices
drunken fights and chilling choices
children abused and big mistakes
the innocent accused and namelless graves
deadly diseases and forbidden lovers
shaky knees and grieving mothers
crippling births and miseries of war
unquenched thirsts and broken hearts
idle hands and shattered lives
demonic plans and battered wives
heart aches and lost souls
....yet what remains
is there shall always be hope.

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." ~Christopher Reeve

This post is dedicated to all the precious lives lost in Japan's recent earthquake, and the ones left behind, whose lives will never be the same.  Let us not turn a blind eye, and do nothing.


  1. Beautiful, Carrie. Thank heavens for hope, "which springs eternal"........I love this post, a positive note in a scary week.

  2. your poem is utterly gorgeous. Filled with meaning and emotion. Several weeks ago I wrote similarly. You can read it here if you like:

  3. Wow...this touched the soul....ouch...

    "yet what remains
    is there shall always be hope" Check my post if you can, it also concerns Japan.

  4. yes - hope is the last to die - and this is good - thanks for reminding us carrie

  5. Carrie,
    And it is so fitting that your Blog has such a fitting title, Hope Whispers.
    You are so right about keeping that alive, in the face of everything else.

    Happy St Patrick's Day to you too Carrie!
    Best wishes, Eileen

  6. This is amazing. Beautiful, beautiful...

  7. I believe that when things are at their worst
    Mankind is at it's best

  8. Amazing. Can't wait to share with a dear friend.

  9. I really like your take on things - thanks CB.

  10. Carrie,
    Your words so speak the unspoken. GREAT Job, I loved how you painted the truth, yet aspired hope!

  11. Beautiful ... your poem portrays a vivid image...there may be lots and lots of problems ...yet what remains
    is there shall always be hope.

  12. this is touching. sounds trite, but i mean it. i wouldn't say it if i weren't going to remember this post tomorrow and seek to be a hope-bringer with you.

  13. Your words are so moving Carrie. I think they sum up our feelings perfectly. I am so thankful that our hope is in the One who never fails. It is a confident expectation that He is faithful.

  14. and i hope that we cling to it as the world shakes...and i pray that it finds those still missing in japan and reunited even more families...

  15. That is so beautiful. I loved it. yeah Hope remains...

  16. What a sorrowful list.No wonder people hope for Heaven!

  17. Beautiful and so necessary and relevant. Hope - our lifeline. Thanks for this.

  18. This is beautiful and, yes, we need to train our eyes to see the glimpses of grace, the evidence for hope.

  19. This is beautiful Carrie. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I appreciate your kind words.


  20. Such a beautiful poem, shaped to encapsulate all that is good and possible in the face of all that is miserable and painful. Just beautiful.

  21. "....yet what remains
    is there shall always be hope."...amen Carrie...bless you for pointing to The GOD of this life, we will always need hope.

  22. The beauty of the poem matches the beauty of the sentiment.

  23. Thanks for the encouragement,there is always hope no matter how bleak the situation.

  24. Hope. Hope. Hope. I have to remind myself often to hold it close. A beautiful poem, friend. Thank you.

  25. A glimmer of hope is magic as it really diminishes distress to some extent. It is true that some loss can never be regained yet hope shall remain perpetual. Very thoughtful words.

  26. I love this, carrie! sometimes I forget that having hope is a is a CHOICE. I enjoy your poetic heart.

  27. I loved the way you painted many a hopeless situations of man ( and woman) and yet in one fell swoop defined hope for him/her in one brush of hope.

    Brilliant Carrie.

  28. Yes, there will always be hope. Beautiful poem. I enjoyed the Christopher Reeve quotation too.

  29. This is amazing. All those things do occur and what sets us apart is hope for better days and times.

  30. Beautiful poem on hope, you cover all the bases of situations that require hope to survive. I love your rhyme, the poems flows.

  31. wonderful, Carrie.
    just perfectly wonderful

  32. excellent~
    thanks for visiting me last week!

  33. 'Hope'
    Literally, that is the only thing we would ever ever need. All we need.
    I love this post.

  34. Just beautiful. It's true, all those horrible things are with us, flawed as they are. But we would never get through them without hope. And my hope is eventually, peace for the families who lost loved ones... and a non-nuclear world!

    Elegant, and so true. Thank you. Amy BL


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson