Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Artistry of God

God loved the flowers and invented soil.  Man loved the flowers and invented vases.  ~Variation of a saying by Jacques Deval

You did not get here all by yourself my beautiful friend
every garden once had a beloved gardener
and each falling leaf once had a limb
the earth at times may seem parched
as the winds blow hard
but your petals hold a purpose
right here where you are.

Also sharing with lovely Emily at Imperfect Prose


  1. this brings tears to my eyes. right here where i am.

    thank you for your inspiration.

  2. Flowers expertly potted. Like the pot-shape, too!

  3. What a beautiful and heartfelt poem, Carrie.
    God is indeed the most wonderful artist.

  4. the winds are blowing hard ... lovely sentiment

  5. Yes they sure do hold purpose..right here we are to bloom whereever we are planted...blessings Carrie...bkm

  6. This is so beautiful, Carrie....perfection. And hopeful.

  7. So beautiful..each in its own place.

  8. Beautiful poem - so much sparked by so few words! I love it!

  9. Beautiful! Sort of reminds me of this quote I read in C.S. Lewis's Book The Four Loves...'the highest does not stand without the lowest'!

  10. Enjoyed this poem Carrie.

    "your petals hold a purpose"

  11. beautifully expressed Carrie!

  12. Wow, that is poignant! It really speaks straight into my heart.

    And I just really really want the dress on the woman in your headline photo. Gorgeous!

  13. every garden once had a beloved gardner

    There is such loss and sorrow in this line. It makes me want to hug a garden. (Can you do that?)

  14. Oh..that's a wonderful message, my friend..
    "but your petals hold a purpose
    right here where you are" -- I really liked the metaphor here.. very nicely written!!

  15. This is so darn good that I was looking for the author. I thought it was a quote and I didn't want to appear ignorant for not recognizing it:-)
    Also, so true. Good job.

  16. but your petals hold a purpose
    right here where you are.

    oh carrie... there is such love in these verses. in your heart. xo

  17. "the earth at times may seem parched
    as the winds blow hard
    but your petals hold a purpose
    right here where you are."

    Like so many here, I am deeply touched by the love and tenderness in these words. I feel like they come from the heart of God. Thank you...

  18. "every garden once had a beloved gardener" and "your petals hold a purpose"...beautiful. I love this so much.

  19. Wonderful perspective, lovely words.

  20. I Love you r post. It was very well written. Thanks for stopping by my site.

  21. The words you have chosen to express a simple and beautiful idea as this, sound really nice! I hope the whole idea is 'Never forget your roots and always be hopeful', right? Nice verses :)


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson