Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Power Amongst The Weeds

A whisper is just a whisper that when uttered in a crowd is hard to hear,
yet in the hush of loneliness it's meaning becomes quite clear.
A penny is just a penny that in our pocket humbly sits,
yet if we dropped it from a skyscraper oh the damage it could inflict.
A cardboard box is just a cardboard box that on it's shelf we do place,
yet if it stood in a busy highway so many changes it would make.
A weed is just a weed that among the flowers we regret it grows,
yet they hold the power to make us tend our garden,
for otherwise we sometimes won't.


  1. What a good post - I love the opening line!

  2. So perfectly lovely, Carrie. Just like when my Ikesha sings, '...the second star to the right...' , this sends a warmth growing from the centre of my soul.

  3. beautiful post as always Carrie. Thanks for entering the giveaway.

  4. So beautiful...with such wisdom. Thank you.

  5. I love it! beautifully written, beautifully said

    thank you

  6. all that potential our fingertips...

  7. most excellent...powerful and honest words.

  8. Nice one, carrie. Really like how you use repetition -- and the things you chose to repeat - a whisper, a cardboard box, a penny and a weed. Well done.

  9. I love the line about the weed; so many times I get annoyed at the 'reminders', forgetting that without them I'd miss out on the good stuff. Like tending my garden.

  10. (This was no doubt inspired by your dodging a cardboard box on a busy freeway - LOL!)

    I liked your juxtapositioning of the elements.
    (Now THERE'S a $2 word for ya!)

    Nice One Shot, Carrie!

  11. A very lovely poem, Carrie - I especially like the bit about the penny.

    (Have to admit, I quite like orchids though :) )

  12. Thank you everyone for reading it....i wrote this many years ago actually....and yes Eric...i have dodged a cardbourd box in the freeway, and that is truly what inspired the whole are not just funny but brilliant...:-)

  13. Fine poem. Thought provoking in relative ways. I enjoy when poems make me think, and yours does so by providing vivid scenarios. cheers

  14. Interesting insight into those weeds -- I like it!

  15. yea, Brian said it well--"all that potential energy"--hard to imagine, isn't it--well said, Carrie--so glad you stopped by my place today and feel humbled that it ministered to you. God bless you richly.

  16. This is a delight. I love gardening and the weeds do get you out there!

  17. What an enjoyable poem. I liked the lines about the whispers....

  18. who knew the (sometimes) hard truth could be presented so entertainingly?

    thank you for the smile & the truth!

  19. I love that the power of weeds is to bring us back to tending our garden! Thank you for putting that so well!

  20. sweet innocent words
    an enjoyable read thank you for sharing

  21. Beautiful.Sometimes we tend to take for granted the simplest of things that help us achieve greater goals.

    So easy to relate.Lovely one shot!

  22. Beauty is all in how we perceive the world around us... love your use of imagery and contrast.

  23. Aw g'wan, you're not even talking about gardening, really, are you? I'm sharp like that! ;-)

  24. Carrie,


    "A weed is just a weed that among the flowers we regret it grows,
    yet they hold the power to make us tend our garden,
    for otherwise we sometimes won't."

    ain't it the truth, girl!

    and you told it. good for you. this is some great prose.


  25. you have a great talent, Carrie, to take the simplest things in life and give them new meaning in ways that I could never imagine. I love looking at the world through your eyes. Thank you!

  26. love the power of the weed in the garden...that is an amazing thought...and comparison that without the weeds in our personality maybe we would have no reason to tend to what is important in our life and grown in a better person....thank you...bkm

  27. All ordinary things take on extraordinary qualities when we let them change the way we look at the a cardboard box, a penny dropped from a height. I really enjoy that change in perspective.

  28. Thank you one and all for your wonderful perspectives and sweet comments...i wrote this one many years ago....and it was inspired by something in the made me think about how certain things in our world no matter how small can make such changes in our hearts and lives....:-)

  29. Dear Carrie
    Beautiful whisper.. you got me hooked with your first line... Thanks for sharing...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter: @VerseEveryDay

  30. weeds make us tend our garden... what a beautiful way of looking at life, dear carrie (as always)... and thinking about the pain a penny dropped could inflict... you bless, every time. thank you. xo

  31. thank you for this loveliness and for sharing in the joy of "when butterflies dance"...looking forward to getting to know you through poetry:)

  32. Thank you Sashi,Emily and Abby for your wonderful comments meeting you all here has been a blessing to me! ;-)

  33. I love the rhythm of this. I found myself tapping a little beat :). Lovely.

  34. Thank you Laura...i am glad you liked it....i truly enjoyed your beautiful story of your family roots! :-)

  35. Oh, Carrie, I love this. Perspective.

  36. lovely words, and i love your blog, the photos and colors, warm and inviting. :)
    thank-you for leaving a comment for me at emily's! :)

  37. love it... your poem made me settle in to think soberly at the beginning, to laugh out loud in the middle, and then to think soberly again in the end!

  38. It is all about perspective. I still am not a fan of weeds though. :)

  39. This is gorgeous and hits close to home. I've been thinking so much about the power of words.

  40. Oh, I love the part about the weeds....if it wouldn't be for the weeds we would NOT tend our gardens as much. Everything has some purpose, even weeds. Nice write, Carrie.

  41. Glad you all like this one...hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday! :-)

  42. Carrie,
    I read your poem and really thought how enlightening. For the first time ever, weeds have a real purpose in life, thanks to the clarity in your words!
    A beautiful poem Carrie.
    Hope you had a lovely weekend.
    Best wishes, Eileen :)

  43. Thank you Eileen your encouragment is always such a blessing...i hope you have an awesome Monday! :-)

  44. This is really beautiful. I am so glad I discovered Imperfect Prose. :)


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson