Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Breath

I layed there
still like stone
and slow like callus
waiting for
the ripples
to smooth out
like sheets.

I spent many years hoping for things to go smooth, and afraid of life's troubles rippling out of control.  Now, I have come to understand that all the troubles are what have molded me, like smooth stones on a river. For as a result, I am a better person, a stronger woman, and capable of facing change.


  1. Carrie, this is so true of my whole life...

    Worrying about gymnastic competitions, exams, university so far away from home, love, divorce, love, children, our home, safety, work, writer's block, maid, mum, grandma...


  2. I have found that a few deep breaths in any stressful situation can help to get you centered again. Your beautiful writings reflect the wonderful person you are.

  3. Ninotaziz I so enjoyed your poem for the prompt it was so wonderfully unique....and thank you for your comments is always wonderful to have you stop by. :-)

    Hi Bob, you are so right about the deep breaths....i recently had a very difficult problem rise up for my son who is 26, it was devestating for him and he actually kept taking deep breaths, trying to keep his composure. Thank you for the sweet compliment you have made my day. :-)

  4. And so it is. I am happy that you've accepted what needed to be accepted and changed what needed to be changed. Your seven little lines hold such beauty and truth.

  5. Carrie, wonderful philosophy. Truly, all experiences mold us, change us one way or another. Point well made!

  6. nicely expressed.friedrich Nietzsche once said, "what does not kill us make us stronger." you demonstrate that trough this poem and your life experiences.

  7. The imagery in your Magpie is really great!

  8. You have truth in your writing and the hitches in our lives do make us stronger.

  9. the simplicity is great with this.

  10. Angie thank you so much for your compliment, and for visiting both prompts. :-)
    Mary I am glad you liked it. :-)
    Mory I just love that quote...thank you for sharing it. :-)
    Hi Jingle,Helen, and Christine it is wonderful to get everyones feedback. Thank you :-)

  11. You find a deep and meaningful philosophy in so many aspects of life. A beautiful and refreshing poem, Carrie :)

  12. This poem might have been written with me in mind! I, too, spent years trying to smooth out the wrinkles for myself and everyone else. What a relief to finally realize that I'm strong enough to simply let the ripples wash over me, and get on with life ...

  13. Hi Sam always wonderful to have you stop by with encouraging words. :-)

    theimaginativetraveler I am sure there are many that have struggled with this like us...thank you so much for reading the way i love your "name" :-)

  14. Thank you is wonderful to hear from you. :-)

  15. the ripples are what form who we become.
    Nicely done!

  16. Thank you for reading it Kathew and your kind words are appreciated very much! :-)

  17. This is such a beautiful post. And a beautiful poem. You've said so much in so few words. That's a skill.

  18. I like your words which are so well written - it is life itself isn't it. The rough times makes us the people that we are.

  19. beautiful post Carrie and so true...never knew at the time...screamed...fought..hated it...but all of it made me strong. Your poetry hits home.

  20. Wonderful post! Rough times are never easy, but we get through them in the end.


  21. YES!!!!! A medicine man once told me "your greatest pain is your strongest medicine" and he was is what makes us who were are, or more of who were always meant to become...........SO well written, great work. It does hit home!

  22. It seems to take forever to realize that life is not smooth sheets, those come eventually and usually catch us unaware. Wonderful poem.


  23. very well said, wise words also :)

  24. Beautiful words... how great you are getting through the path of being a better person and a stronger woman... It's a must. OUR goal!


  25. Love the idea of ripplings smoothing out like sheets! Usually bubbles in the bath are white, so instantly I thought of white, fresh sheets smoothing out! Beautiful poem!

  26. Your words are as soothing as a warm bubble bath. Thanks for the message, Carrie. Very wise.

  27. Thank you everyone, I am overwhelmed with your wonderful words of encouragment. It is such a blessing to read and share our writings. :-)

  28. Carrie,
    I love this! ...."waiting for the ripples to smooth out like sheets." It's brilliant.

  29. Alexis I am so glad you came are so encouraging...thank you. :-)

  30. Love that line too -"Waiting for the ripple to smooth out like sheets! Its so true, best we become smoothened outselves as you said like stones in a river. beautiful image. And a really nice mix of poetry and personal life philosophy - thanks carrie!

  31. Thank you Niamh...I really enjoyed yours as well.

  32. Nicely done Magpie. I agree that all the troubles while we experience them leave us begging at times for no more ripples, a respite and yet it is percisely the ripples that make us who we are.

  33. Beautiful reminder here - you've written it well and with heart!

  34. Love this Carrie, you say so much with few words, the calluses, the ripples - wonderful metaphors and beautiful take on to you always Lady...bkm

  35. the imagery, it is simply beautiful in simple words..! good good verse..!

  36. Thank you Kristen,Tumblewords,sighned..bkm,and Leo for reading it...all your comments are making me smile...Hope everyone is having a great weekend. :-)

    Ladan you must have commented when I was commenting back on the ones before glad you stopped by. :-)

  37. a great message in your mag...the ripples rarely run smooth, and add so much to life...even if we dont see it at the time...

    my magpie

  38. Well, change just comes to us..and as you, we must accept it as a gift!

  39. Hi Brian thank you for reading it, and for all the encouragment you contiually share. :-)

    Lyn it is wonderful to see you here...thank you for your words of wisdoem...i have truly enjoyed reading your blog. :-)

  40. Lovely Magpie, great imagery and wisdom.

  41. 'slow like callus,' is divine. i loved how wonderfully compact this piece was. great feeling painted with perfectly chosen words, loved the 'sheets,' bit too. really great. btw, totally true about the life bit, it's just hard to accept that sometimes.

  42. So glad you stopped by Brigid, and Patience. Glad you liked it...I have really enjoyed reading everyone elses as well. :-)

  43. This was a wonderfully crafted analogy!!!
    And very inspiring too!!

    Brilliant work, my friend..
    Kudos on the comeback!!! And on this fine piece that you've shared with us all..

  44. Great metaphors in this one. Really nice.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson