Monday, August 11, 2014

To Bear the Burden

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"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."  ~ C S. Lewis

Grief is a long and heavy coat
 that winter cannot bear by itself.

It carries into the heat of summer
 stealing youth's folly and it's wealth.

It tarries through to autumn
where November's rains turn to snow

and tears not yet fallen wait
for remembrance to let them go.

Time lightens it's ominous burden
yet it's garment never truly tears.

For grief is a long and heavy coat
that must be placed in God's loving care.

Linking with Imaginary Gardens for "The Tuesday Platform"
Hello beautiful Toads. :-)


  1. The image of grief like a long and heavy coat is such a strong metaphor.. wonderful.

  2. Cute, the actual bear in the picture, contrasting with the description of bearing grief in the poem. I love your "Consider this..." on the left side bar.

  3. Well done! (And I removed that thing from my shoe)

  4. A stately and very poignant poem. Grief certainly has a staying power. Thank you. k.

  5. Such lovely thought, full of spiritual truth... Grief is indeed a load that can't be carried by the flesh alone. We must look beyond, reach for that which holds the world together, feed on that energy and try our best to find peace...

  6. Beautifully written truth...Grief waxes and wanes for me. It always seems to be close.

  7. Gonna have to put this on my Pinterest. So insightful.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson