Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One Beautiful Thing

Tess's wonderful prompt site: The Mag #145

"Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid."
 ~Frederick Buechner

I used to view the world around me from a card table chair that I could fold up at any time,
when I did not want to face what stood before me.
And in that place all the debris and wreckage seemed greater than even one beautiful thing.
So my gratitude walked away empty like an abandoned room.
Real life does not have "high definition" big screen television.
The big picture can be fuzzy,
and all the details can be hard to detect.
Hope can fall down unnoticed, like a penny beneath a chair cushion,
and everything one sees can be distorted and hard to view.
For clarity can be held close and then lost like an abducted child,
leaving a soul to feel forsaken and lost in the rubble.
I know that feeling.  I have held it within my soiled hands,
and cradled it like a forlorn orphan, unable to let it go or see past the pain.
Vision is a tricky thing...what we see, and what truly lies in front of us
sometimes are simply not the same thing.
There is growth in adversity, like seeds sent astray in a harsh wind,
greenery will sprout all around in time, but until then,
all you may see is clutter and chaos.
Hope is a beautiful velvet chair that sits in the midst of troubles.
You may not see it now, but it is there just the same.
Let your heart find it, and then plop like a child into it's fold
of open velveteen wings, and then choose to see the sunlight
within the open window ahead.

Also linking with lovely Emily at Imperfect Prose



  1. Ahh, this is beautiful... I like your folding chair metaphor and:

    Hope is a beautiful velvet chair that sits in the midst of troubles.

  2. You didn't miss a stitch with this poem - so well filled and framed.

  3. Wonderful ... I loved the dimensions your words explored !!!

  4. I agree with Laurie - the folding chair metaphor is amazing

  5. Wow
    And in that place...the debris and wreckage seemed greater than even one beautiful thing
    I'm floored
    Thanks for this

  6. Love the images here...great lines... There is growth in adversity, like seeds sent astray in a harsh wind,
    greenery will sprout all around in time, but until then,
    all you may see is clutter and chaos.

  7. hi friend thank you so much if you check on my profile i have started my inglish blog again MY SIMPLE REFLECTIONS...is better for my american friend ...thanks is nice to share the word of God..blessings

  8. My heart skipped a tiny beat when I saw the quote and beautiful header image ... as always, lovely poetry.

  9. Your clarity brings hope..and that one beautiful thing is always there...so touching, a vision!

  10. "Vision is a tricky thing...what we see, and what truly lies in front of us
    sometimes are simply not the same thing."

    This is so very true!

    I also liked the idea that "The big picture can be fuzzy."

    You have expressed some beautiful thoughts in this poem! Hope you are having a good week, Carrie.

  11. This shows a talented writer and a strong spirit and a beautiful heart Carrie. I should read that ever morning...simply wonderful.

  12. smiles...i wrote of hope myself today....and sometimes it can slip into the cushions of the chair and be lost...or feared lost....this was very uplifting though carrie....much enjoyed...

  13. beautiful indeeed....than ks for sharing

  14. I'm grappling with this very same idea as well, Carrie. I write about it at my blog and it rattles in my brain all day long. I wait on what I don't see but believe God is doing just the same. It's hard, but oh so good to do. Thanks for your beautiful words here, my friend!

  15. Carrie, I am sitting in the velvet plush of this poem and its beaconing hope-filled lines. Its warm, its gentle and I love it here. Thanks for your offering of poetry today. I am a fan. Visiting from em's place and so glad I came this way.

  16. great exploration and use of metaphor - these images will linger

  17. Very well expressed, Carrie. It is important to be comfortable knowing that life is not like a thirty minute sitcom, or a Mills and Boone, where all is simple and all endings are happy. it is messy, but we just concentrate on a few important things at a time and lightly monitor the rest.

  18. I always choose the sunlight! :)

  19. My gratitude walked away empty like an abandoned room...this reached out and grabbed me...

  20. Lots of good thoughts here. Nice poem.

  21. I need to read this! I love your poem :D I could so relate to many of the moments you shared~ Sometimes I think I do not see what others do. Life is messy~
    Yes, I agree you grabbed my attention! @>----------

  22. I love the tenuous connections between joy and despair that you knit together here so descriptively. So sensitive and wonderfully rendered, Carrie. Thank you for sharing.

  23. Wonderful , Carrie, is it lion like , this chair ?

  24. So lovely, Carrie! The comfort of hope is there waiting to receive us, if only we trust it and seek its support. Praise God for our hope and vision through Jesus Christ!
    God bless,

  25. I love this! Hope is a beautiful velvet chair in the midst of out troubles, so true, of God's love. Thanks for sharing!


  26. ..Hello Carrie... Thank you for this poem... I'm currently heading my way off to my hometown province...and while on board i logged in to my blog via my phone .. Your poem was my first read of the day... Very uplifting and encouraging moments... Once again thank you...and GOD Bless!!!:-)

  27. "what we see, and what truly lies in front of us
    sometimes are simply not the same thing." so true! let us walk with grace our feet, faith our eyes.

  28. Oh how well you have crafted this extraordinary piece.

  29. Hope can fall down unnoticed, like a penny beneath a chair cushion,
    and everything one sees can be distorted and hard to view.

    oh friend. how i've missed you and your gifted prose. i'm so glad you're back. xo

  30. True and beautiful. Snuggle up in the chair of hope!


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson