Monday, October 8, 2012

Somewhere In A Forrest

Photo by George Grall
The Amazon Horned Toad
for info on this amazing Amazon creature click here.

for Transforming Friday.

"To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug."  ~Helen Keller

Deep inside the forrest is like an ocean of unusual fish
there are creatures of every variety that we never knew we'de miss.

They lurk in obscure places from den trees to lilly pads
and fight for their survival like we struggle to earn our cash.

We live our lives oblivious to our fellow creatures beyond the brush
yet our actions affect their ecology and we never heed or hush.

For deep inside the forrest is like an ocean of amazing fish
there are creatures of every variety that we never knew we'de miss.


  1. I know that I would miss them. Thanks for this one!

  2. I love your opening simile, and that you came back to it in your final stanza. The words provide a wonderful frame for your descriptions of the forest.

  3. This is really nice. Superb work.
    This poem is really close to my heart, need your true opinion.Thanks

  4. A really good message here ... humans are so selfish that they are harming these poor animals for their own greed !!!

  5. A lovely message..if we only we remember this every time we decide on issues affecting our environment ~

  6. That last line is food for thought...

  7. Very nice! It's so true that we tend to not notice the incredible amount of life buzzing around us.

  8. I love this, Carrie. So ocean of living beings in every corner......

  9. Carrie! You never disappoint~ I love what you did :D
    You amaze me!!!

  10. "...creatures of every variety that we never knew we'de miss..." sounds like the bottom of my son's school bag.

  11. So much beauty exists out of our eyes' view. Your poem makes that point strongly!

  12. Excellent, Carrie. Every move we make affects another creature, either near or far.

  13. Very well done. Thtat photo is amazing and your words have a whistfulness that suits the subject matter. We do miss so many amazing things because we don't take the time.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson