Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Dixie Cup In An Ocean of Chance

"Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers."
~Garth Brooks

What might have been
is like countless raindrops
in the desert sands
it was just
never meant to be.

I have often wondered why things work out in life the way they do....why do some people have so many struggles, and others have so many successes....but as time has gone by...and I have learned a few lessons along the way...I have come to understand that we should try the best we can right where we are in our life, but no matter how big our plans may be....we are truly like a dixie cup in an ocean....for God always has a bigger plan.

Also sharing with lovely Emily at Imperfect Prose


  1. I just used that first line yesterday!!!! to remind myself when I'm waiting for an 'answer'. The hind sight of those unanswered prayers is truly humbling, isn't it?

  2. Business school.
    Method 1.01
    Success depends on seeing the world as it really is and planning accordingly. Most don't.

    Lovely poem Carrie and true but I care enough about you to say; 'why waste your time watching raindrops in the desert when you could move to Florida and grow oranges?!'
    Flogging a dead horse might seem spiritual but it is still a dead horse. :-)

    Apropos to nothing. Singing cowboy song lyric:
    "It's lonesome in the saddle since my old horse died."

  3. A dixie cup in the ocean. Sometimes it does feel that way.

  4. Struggling today with a father/son issue and your words are so fitting to the problem we are facing. Thank you.

  5. very true! He does have a bigger plan.

    thank you
    take care

  6. Watching raindrops in the desert has its perks! Growing oranges in Florida ~ not so much.

  7. Carrie, so well said......I love the idea of the dixie cup in the ocean of chance. That's about it, all right!

  8. Beautiful, wise words and lovely mental image of rain on desert sands and the dixie cup at sea.


  9. love the Garth Brooks quote and your words that bring so much life to his...we all have to do our best...because there is a much larger plan and understanding to what we are suppose or meant to do in our short time...your words always have so much depth..thank you Carrie...

  10. lovely image of the desert raindrops

    (although I had to google dixie cup!)

  11. But doesn't the desert come to life with stunning beauty for a short time? Life is hard to understand at times - it usually isn't until later that we get it. Just like Garth Brooke sings!

  12. ...God is the way, the truth, and the life... i had a deep reflection over with your words here Carrie... and i happened to see this blog only now so i'll definitely follow... i'm actually waiting for your post on your other blog: What the Seagull never Told you...where i'm a follower as well...^^

    I hope you're having a good time.

    God Bless.


  13. Very nice image, that dixie cup. Thanks for letting us see this.

  14. This is spare and elegant, but really packs a punch. Lovely!

  15. Garth Brooks...nice. Deep theology here CB!


  16. very well said! I couldn't help nodding.. :)
    I have often felt that myself..
    Hugs xx

  17. Beautiful and poignant. Words we should all remember.

  18. I do also wonder... Beautiful poem Carrie!

  19. really liked this, the thought behind it is so true, I think of how more straight forward life would be, if we could work out which parts were just meant to be, and get on with the things that we can change and improve.

  20. beautiful Carrie...and so often I don't understand the sadness others are given to carry...but He does always have a bigger plan.

  21. Very profound - I like it!

    Anna :o]

  22. short and potent...could woulda shoulda can drown us in that ocean if we let it...

  23. I needed this reminder today, I like that you quoted Garth Brooks! :-)

  24. I have a vision of a dixie cup in the ocean. God Bless!

  25. comforting words my heart needed to hear tonight, thanks. And I once reference this exact song in a post, too. :)

  26. I have always also taken comfort in the belief that whatever path you choose, you will never need to find out what would have happened if you chose a different way.

    Lovely poem.

  27. Mystery- of why some make and others don't!
    "Plan plans, not results"! Thanks-

  28. loving this carrie...i have a little angel figurine on my bathroom sink that is holding a sign saying, "Trust in God. He may have something better in mind."

  29. I love your tone in this. More than the words you use, the feel that they give when reading them together gets the point across! God really is God :)

  30. Hello Carrie,

    Your description of us as a 'dixie cup in the ocean of chance', is so true.
    Every day brings a new challenge in life.

    Hope all is good with you Carrie,
    Best wishes, Eileen

  31. God always has a bigger plan... you have no idea how i needed to hear this today carrie. thank you.

  32. These words so resonated with me today...word for word...and reading yours made somuch sense..thank you...a lovely blog

  33. I'm here from Emily's

    Countless raindrops in desert sands - God always has bigger plans - you didn't rhyme - so I did :)

    It's beautiful what you wrote - stunningly simple and powerful.

    God bless and Keep you.

  34. nice metaphor for a simple yet oh so powerful truth. Your words always hit these types of truths spot on, which is what I love most about your writing.

  35. There's always a bigger plan. Not our plan - we have no say!

    Great write on the picture - it's what we all think at some time or other,no matter what.


  36. love it! God's plan is always best!

  37. Thank you everyone for your wonderful observatiobns and comments....this has been a stressfull time for me in my life....and blogging and meeting and communicating with other writers has been such a blessing and encouragment to me....thank you ALL!! :-)

  38. A little late here, but this is a beautiful write. God indeed does have a plan for each of us, even when we can't always see it at the time.

  39. Lovely poem Carrie, short but sharp!
    Loved your writing :)
    Take Care
    Short Poems

  40. Dear Carrie,
    This begs the question, "What makes us human?"


  41. I found this extremely poignant. I constantly moan to the family that, for just one week, I'd like to have a smooth ride, with no struggles - little or big. But your post has made me re assess this, Carrie. Ta, babes....!

  42. Excellent smart-minded/nature-true work.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson