Saturday, April 24, 2021

A Poem of Both Earth & Sky


Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse #157

“That a pansy is transitive, is its only pang.”  ~Emily Dickinson

Earth can always be broken

stirred and planted

made new

the gardener knows this

and the miracle it holds

 but men still build monuments

cement driveways and parking lots

he only sees what he wants to see

but like the gardener, children see greater things

 spirits and miracles of what can be

an unearthed flower that was once but a buried seed

for the flower is a poem of both earth and of sky

and reaches beyond the doorway of an old man's eyes

it is the true architecture of God.

Note: I wanted to write this in honor of Earth Day and in honor of all the trees that have been cut down.  Where I live there are no codes nor ordinances for building around trees, they just cut them all down and wonder why we are having so many flooding issues.

It is sad on so many levels; the carelessness, the damage,  and the loss!