Saturday, September 21, 2019

Transgressions of the Foolish Chorister

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 74

"Some keep the Sabbath going to Church, 
I keep it staying at Home --
with a bobolink for a Chorister,
and an Orchard for a Dome."
~ Emily Dickinson

We were once a part of the song
A beautiful chorus with the leaves and the birds
Sunlight lit the center stage
With a glorious yet sweet view
But pride and greed
Seeped into man’s hearts
Stealing the show
With no regard
For how it affected
The song nor the singers
A chorus was meant for many
A choir that sings in unison
Supporting each other
In harmony
I pray one day
We will return to Mother Nature
As true prodigal sons.


  It has been a crazy week here in South Eastern Texas.  I have experienced flooding more than once over the last few years.  In 2016 my car was flooded during the dreaded “Tax Day Flood”, and in 2017 my apartment flooded during Harvey.  I am blessed to be in a house now, but during the torrential rains of tropical storm Imelda I watched waters get closer and closer to my door step.  A neighbor that has lived on our street for over 20 years said, the water has never gotten that high even during Harvey! Thankfully the water did not get passed near the garage, and once the rains died down, it receded quickly. 
The signs of global warming are all around us.  There is no doubt in my mind that man is the culprit and man is the only one that can rectify, at least to some degree, the damage.  I only hope that true change will not come too late.


  1. Oh, may we sing and become one with nature. Harvey didn't bring water close to my front door, but Imelda sure did. With both storms there was no way to leave except by boat because all roads lead to flood. So glad you were spared a flood this time!

    1. Thank you Susie! Yes there were many that flooded with Imelda but did not with Harvey. I am glad you did not flood either my friend.

  2. It's easy for discord to creep into the music and I, too, hope we remember the tune before we all wash away. :(

  3. When do we ever love that true music is played when we all are part of the chorus... too many thinks everyone do solos.

    1. Yep everyone wants to be a star, but sometimes you have to be a team player. :-)

  4. Stay safe, Carrie. Some member of the chorus are silent, but they may wake up one day.

    1. Thank you Sara and i hope you are right about the silent choristers.

  5. Pray that our chorus can once again be in harmony. You cleverly couched our worries in your words.

  6. Pride and greed lead everyone of us astray but may we return to Mother Nature indeed.. Nicely done.

  7. Will we ever learn "balance"? Glad you are ok.

  8. When the chorus is song by a choir the melodies and ranges can hit so many crescendos, solos are good, but choirs are great! A beautiful read.


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson