Saturday, November 21, 2020

The Real Reason Martha Burned the Old Table Cloth,

 Image by Justin Dingwall
Click HERE to see his website.

Linking with the Sunday Muse for Muse # 135

Martha always wanted to serve leg of lamb for her many rich friends.  She envisioned them sipping expensive wine, using her fine china, and discussing the Queen’s gorgeous attire at the latest fund raiser gala.  But ever since her Rupert broke their vows with Laverne Covington on Martha’s dining table, ruining their luxurious table cloth, she knew all the guests would only be talking about all the dirty laundry at her expense.  So, this year, the fine china would remain in the hutch.  Her rich friends and Rupert could just go to China for all she cared!   Martha would be eating a large bowl of banana pudding wrapped up in her favorite wool blanket.  Who needs leg of lamb, or a wayward man when you have BANANA pudding??!!  


Wishing everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving 2020!