Monday, March 12, 2012

The Hopeful Heart Is A Brave Hunter

image: Uzengia Aleksander Nedic

"If you knew that hope and despair were paths to the same destination, which would you choose?"  ~Robert Brault

Somethings cannot be captured like a photograph within a frame.
Just like some creatures in the wild cannot be lured and then be tamed.
So the weary hunter may not see the true exploration around the ben.
For it takes an enduring vision to detect hope through his scope's lense.
The hardy hunter craves his target and will seek until he finds.
For hope is easily captured through the focus of eager eyes.

When I saw the photo for The Mag this week, I saw a representation of a vision in the distance.  Something worthy of following.  A beacon of hope calling one forward.  It made me think of how in life we are all like hunters searching for a prize.  Something admirable to move towards. We all long for purpose and hope in our lives, yet like happiness, hope is a choice.  We can either choose to find it, or we can decide it is extinct.  The decisive ammunition is in our own hands.


  1. A thought provoking post and the quote is so true!

  2. You poem reminds me of part of my scripture reading from yesterday: Romans 8:24-25. "For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."

  3. smiles...if you look for hope you will find it, as much as if you look for misery you will find that as well....

  4. I'm hoping to retain my 'eagerness' for as long as I live ~ nice Mag, Ms. Carrie!

  5. Very thoughtful and well written...

  6. This prompt is a little bit like a Rorschach test, isn't it? The way we see it sort of lets us know what kind of space we're in at the moment of writing.

    I like your hopeful take.


  7. nicely done...thanks for sharing your words

  8. Hmm - I think mine is sort of the opposite. My Alice has apparently given up hope - I like your view better :)

  9. "For it takes an enduring vision to detect hope" - Yes, that's so often true. The solidity of hope is in Jesus.

  10. What Jim said...And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. Rom. 5:5

    Thank-you Carrie for whispering hope here:)

  11. Lovely thoughts, Carrie. What is life without hope? Laurel

  12. Hope is still alive. Thanks.

  13. Now this - is a original thought.

    So obviously you.

  14. I like your take on this prompt. The photo does have a visionary aspect to it, but I passed this time on the prompt because I couldn't think of anything to write for it, ugh! :(

    Anyway, great writing! :)

  15. Great response to the prompt. Love it.

  16. Fantastic, the philosophy. Hope IS a choice. The Brault quote you offer is a wonderful one, too.

  17. i like your photographic terminology in this

    depth of field


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson