Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Loves of My Life

Love comes into our life so many ways, but it is the little ones that we give birth to in this world and hold utterly within our arms that capture our heart completely...
...and then God sends us more through ways we could not have planned or expected and our lives are even more blessed....
....and each one of these wonderful grown children is the love of my life!

...and then there is the Grandchildren.....well they come along and we fall in love all over again....and they rule our heart and world!

Who is the love of your life?....and why?


  1. What a beautiful post! I loved this Carrie. The love of my life is my fmaily - all of them :)

    1. Thanks Keith....and yes family is always what matters most. :-)

  2. Yes. I'm wild for my husband, and he's the only man for me, but there's nothing like the love a mama has for her babies.

    1. You are so right Brandee!....How are your little ones by the way?....:-)

  3. What wonderful pics, Carrie, and such an uplifting post.
    There's been too many people, places and things I've loved to start ranking them. I'm just blessed to have known love at all, skallywag that I am

    1. Thank you Rick.....I think we all are blessed to have known love at all...:-)

  4. smiles....my children and wife def top the list...my extended family...lovely pictures carrie...

    1. Extended family is always such a wonderful added blessing to the whole thing Brian....:-)

  5. God. Family. Writing.

    How are you, Carrie?

  6. You know the ultimate order Ninot....you are very right about that.....God should always be first...I know this to be true....just have not been able to do that yet....but I am learning....I am fine....I will pop over and say hi over at your lovely blog. :-)

    1. Dearest Carrie,

      I am reminding myself of that order. I am not a very religious person, but I have met those who are, who do not believe these are my priorities.

      I hate it when I am judged by what I wear (or what I choose not to wear) rather than what I believe deep in my heart.

      In this way, I feel our blogger friends are more open and accepting of who we are...

    2. You are right Ninot....i feel the same way....people so much judge a book by it's cover...i never have measured a man in the ways of this world...we all have our own struggles that we must face in this life.....it is such a blessing to find friends like you here in the blogosphere. :-)

  7. Carrie,

    My family and dear friends are my the main love of my life, together with my spiritual thoughts, which are always with me. I get guidance from those thoughts, which afford me many other blessings. Writing is of course very close to my heart:)
    Thank you for this prompt Carrie..
    Best Wishes,

    1. Hi Eileen....so wonderful when you stop by.....yes writing is close to most of us here in the blogosphere....hope you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  8. Wonderful pictures and memories shared in this post. My mother was one of the loves of my life. Another is the one the recent Mag with the two hands was written about. My husband is one of the loves of my life. Friends, old and new, some dead and some so very alive they remind me daily to be that too.

    1. Yes, I had not thought of that, but a mother certainly could be the love of ones life as well....and I loved your post for the hands prompt Lydia....it was beautiful! :-)


"Our best thoughts come from others." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson